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Level 2, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Open 10am – 5pm Mon, Wed, Thurs
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Resource Centre
Level 2, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Open 10am – 5pm Mon, Wed, Thurs
(closed public holidays)

  • Events
  • Cancer, fatigue and lack of sleep – Maryborough

Cancer, fatigue and lack of sleep – Maryborough

Date: Monday, 24/02/2020

Time: 11.00 –12.00pm

Location: Maryborough District Health Service, 75 - 87 Clarendon Street, Maryborough

Address: Maryborough District Health Service, 75 - 87 Clarendon Street, Maryborough

Join us to explore the topics of sleep and fatigue in relation to cancer and cancer treatment. These are two of the most common and the most challenging side effects experienced by many people who’ve had a cancer diagnosis.
Find out what strategies and resources are recommended to deal with fatigue and sleep problems.

After a short presentation from Dr Elizabeth Pearson, Allied Health Researcher at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and Tammy Boatman, Occupational Therapist, the floor will be open for your questions and discussion.

Hosted by McGrath Breast Care Nurse Leanne Storer and Amy Stewart Operations Manager Oncology Services.
Our presenters Elizabeth and Tammy will be connecting with you via telehealth technology.

Registrations and morning tea at 10.30am.

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