Endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer, sometimes called uterine cancer, is the most diagnosed gynaecological cancer in Australia. 95% of cases occur in the lining of the uterus (endometrium). A rarer form of uterine cancer, uterine sarcomas, occur in the muscle tissue (myometrium).
Danielle Carpenter and Nicole Kinnane, specialist gynaecological nurse consultants at the Gynae-oncology Service at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre will present this information session.
• what is endometrial cancer
• how is it diagnosed
• what kinds of treatment are available
• about the role of the Gynaecology Nurse Consultants in supporting patients
• about common issues women with endometrial cancer may encounter
• shifting the focus from illness to wellness.
Complete registration for this event via our Eventbrite listing via the link below:
Register for the Endometrial cancer webinar
This event is for women who have been affected by breast or gynaecological cancer.
Registrations for this session close at 5pm on Wednesday 17 November.