
Sexuality and intimacy

Sexuality and intimacy after cancer
Wendy Vanselow (AUS, 2022)
This webinar recording explains the support available to manage side effects and emotions after changes in your sexual function following a cancer diagnosis.

Sexual health and wellbeing after cancer
Vicki Windholz/Counterpart (AUS, 2021)
Presenter, Dr Vicki Windholz, a psychosexual medicine specialist, looks at practical strategies to communicate well about sexuality, to build sexual confidence and enhance intimate relationships.

The thing about cancer. Episode 2: Sex and cancer
Cancer Council New South Wales (AUS, 2017)
In this podcast, Julie McCrossin and Professor Jane Usher talk about how cancer can affect sex and intimacy.

Sexual Counselling Clinic
Royal Women’s Hospital (VIC)
This clinic sees people with any problems relating to sex. The Sexuality and Cancer Clinic runs weekly.
 (support service)

Switchboard is a free service for LGBTQI identifying people with questions or concerns about LGBTQI issues. It offers telephone and web counselling, information and referral. Note that Switchboard does not offer services specifically for people who have had an experience of cancer. For other states of Australia, please contact QLife.
 (support service)

Sexuality and intimacy
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2022)
Page discussing how sexuality and intimacy can be affected by the physical and emotional effects of cancer and cancer treatment.

Sexuality, intimacy and cancer
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2022)
This booklet aims to help people with cancer and their partners understand how and why their diagnosis and treatment may affect sexuality and intimacy. Includes key questions to ask your treating team, tips on resuming sexual activity and overcoming specific challenges.
  (80-page booklet is available to download, or in hard copy)

Living with gynaecological cancer: part 3.3: Intimate and sexual relationships
Chris O’Brien Lifehouse (AUS, 2013)
Two women discuss the impact of cancer on sexuality and intimacy in their relationships. Includes comments from a gynaecological cancer nurse and social worker. YouTube sometimes suggests other videos on similar topics. Please be aware that those videos have not been reviewed for the Navigator and may not be reputable.
 (YouTube video)

Sex and side effects of cancer treatment
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2019)
Information on dealing with changes to relationships and intimacy following cancer diagnosis and treatment. Links to the 2023 booklet 'Your sex life and cancer – easy read'. Remember that as this is a UK-based website support information is not available to Australians.
 (web with link to video)

Sex and late effects of pelvic radiotherapy
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2021)
Explanation of the short-term effects that might be experienced by some people following radiotherapy treatment to their pelvic region. Please remember that as this is a UK-based website, the support links are not available to Australians.

Female pelvic side effects and your sex life
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2019)
Explanation of the effects of various cancer treatments on a woman’s sex life. Remember that as this is a UK-based website support services and products may not be available to Australians.

Relationships: challenges for partners
Chris O’Brien Lifehouse (AUS, 2013)
Partners of women with gynaecological cancer explain how they have managed changes to their relationship since the cancer diagnosis and treatment. Also includes comments from gynaecological cancer nurse and social worker. YouTube sometimes suggests other videos on similar topics. Please be aware that those videos have not been reviewed for the Navigator and may not be reputable.
 (YouTube video)

Last Updated: 16 April, 2024 2:09 pm