
Complementary therapies

Many women use complementary therapies alongside their conventional treatments to help manage physical and emotional effects of their cancer and treatment. It is important to let your treating team know if you are thinking about using complementary therapies, as they may affect your treatment.

Complementary therapies
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This page explains how complementary therapies can be used alongside conventional cancer treatments. Links to the booklet ‘Understanding complementary therapies’.
  (web with link to PDF booklet)

Medicinal cannabis
Shu Ng/Counterpart (AUS, 2024)
Dr Shu Ng gives an introduction to medicinal cannabis and speaks about the range of conditions that she treats. These include chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, neurodegenerative and seizure disorders, autism, and relieving side effects from cancer treatment such as neuropathic pain or nausea.

Medical acupuncture
Dr Becky Chapman; Counterpart (AUS, 2019)
Medical acupuncture may be useful for a broad range of conditions including pain relief and the side effects of chemotherapy. In this presentation, Dr Becky Chapman, Staff Specialist in Medical Oncology at Bendigo Health explains how it can be used, how it works and how it can be accessed. Hosted by Tammy Boatman.

About herbs, botanicals & other products
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (US, 2018)
The About Herbs database can provide guidance on the value of using common herbs and other dietary supplements. If you are thinking about using any of these therapies, always speak with your treating team.

Last Updated: 6 August, 2024 1:35 pm