

Treatment for ovarian cancer – radiation therapy
Cancer Council Victoria (AUS, 2024)
This is a section of a web page providing information on treatment for ovarian cancer, and links to the free booklet ‘Understanding ovarian cancer’ for more information. The booklet is listed below.

Understanding ovarian cancer: a guide for people with cancer, their families and friends
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2024)
This booklet provides a clear explanation of how ovarian cancer develops, is diagnosed and treated in Australia. Includes questions you might want to ask your treating team, and suggestions on finding further information. Find information on radiation therapy on page 44.
  (76-page booklet available as PDF or in hard copy)

Radiation for ovarian cancer
American Cancer Society (US, 2018)
Overview of the types of radiotherapy that might be used in the treatment of ovarian cancer and their possible side effects.

Cancer Survivor Guide (AUS, 2018)
Episode 4 of this podcast explains how radiation therapy works, and the roles of the Radiation Oncologist and Radiation Therapist.

Understanding radiation therapy
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2024)
This booklet does not go into radiotherapy for specific types of cancer, but provides an excellent introduction to types of radiotherapy, treatment planning and possible side effects.
  (72-page booklet – PDF or hard copy)

An introduction to radiation therapy
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) (US, 2014)
This video from the United States gives a clear explanation of radiotherapy processes, which are similar to what a woman will experience in Australia. Acknowledges anxiety and fear of the unknown, and how they can be managed. YouTube sometimes suggests other videos on similar topic. Please be aware that those other videos have not been reviewed for the Navigator and may not be reputable.
 (YouTube video, 17m 34s)

Last Updated: 6 August, 2024 12:54 pm