

Understanding chemotherapy
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2022)
Another excellent Cancer Council booklet. Provides guidance for decision making, and explanation of treatment types and processes, and tips on managing side effects and coping with emotions.
  (68-page booklet, available as PDF or in hard copy)

Cancer Survivor Guide (AUS, 2018)
In episode 3 of this podcast Medical Oncologist, Dr Craig Carden, talks about what to expect from your first round of chemotherapy.

Understanding vaginal cancer
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2023)
This booklet clearly explains vaginal cancer, including anatomy, diagnosis, treatment and side effects. There is also a handy glossary, question checklist and information on seeking support.
(8-page fact sheet PDF)

Chemotherapy for vaginal cancer
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2021)
This UK-based web page provides information on vaginal cancer, including different types of vaginal cancers, treatment and side effects. Please note that support services and telephone numbers are not available to Australians.

If you have vaginal cancer (easy reading)
American Cancer Society (US, 2020)
This is a good introduction to the types of vaginal cancer, treatment, side effects and follow up. This could be a good starting point prior to seeing your doctor, as it includes lists of questions you might wish to ask. Remember that support information is for a US audience only.

Chemotherapy for vaginal cancer
American Cancer Society (US, 2020)
Description of how chemotherapy is used to treat vaginal cancer, the drugs that might be used, and the possible side effects. Remember that support information is for a US audience only.

Last Updated: 31 October, 2023 9:22 am