Please note we are no longer recording information sessions as podcasts. If you missed a recent information session you can watch a video of past webinars here.
Your Immune System and Cancer
Professor Jonathan Cebon
Professor Jonathan Cebon, Director of Medical Oncology at the Austin Hospital and Head of the Cancer Immunobiology Program for the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, has been conducting research into ways in which the immune system may impact on cancer cells. This is a recording of Professor Cebon's talk about the link between the immune system and cancer, immunotherapy and the current research being undertaken to develop new treatments that target cancer cells. The session was held at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre in Melbourne, in partnership with Counterpart. View slides from this presentation. Always seek advice from your health professional regarding any medical condition.
Exercise After Gynaecological Cancer Treatment
Helen Eason
Helen Eason is an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist who leads the Multidisciplinary Lymphoedema Unit at Monash Cancer Centre, Moorabbin Hospital. Helen will discuss practical issues to do with physical activity after gynaecological cancer treatment including: why exercise is important, what kind of exercise might be appropriate, what limitations might women experience, and where to get advice. Always seek advice from your health professional regarding any medical condition.
All About Vitamin D
Dr Margo Honeyman
What is vitamin D? Do I have enough of it? Why is it being talked about so much in the last few years? What is the data on cancer and other diseases in relation to vitamin D and how good are the studies? In this session, Dr Margo Honeyman assesses and presents on the latest published results, along with recommendations. Dr Honeyman has worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.
Cancer and Family History
Associate Professor Clare Scott
Women need to make decisions based on their personal and family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer, in regards to future risk. In this podcast Associate Professor Clare Scott discusses the way we approach these issues in family cancer clinics across Australia. There is a lot happening in research in this field and we expect changes in the next 2-3 years opening up possibilities for testing for more women.
Clare is a Medical Oncologist and a Research Fellow at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne.
Aromatase Inhibitors
Kristy Brown
Aromatase Inhibitors are a class of drugs used in the treatment of hormone receptor positive breast and ovarian cancers in post- menopausal women. Kristy Brown, Co-Head, Metabolism & Cancer Laboratory, Prince Henry’s Institute is a researcher with a particular interest in the Aromatase Inhibitors. Kristy will speak about the different types of Aromatase Inhibitors, how they work, their benefits and side effects and recent developments in their use.
Nipple Tattooing
Monique Baldacchino
Monique Baldacchino, Breast Care Nurse at The Royal Women’s Hospital has trained in and practises nipple tattooing (sometimes called micro-pigmentation) after women have undergone breast reconstruction surgery. Monique will talk about the process of tattooing the areola and nipple, the pigments used, when, how and where women can access the service.
Making Sense of the Pathology Results
Dr Leonie Constable
The important role a pathologist plays in the diagnosis of breast or gynaecological cancer is often not well understood. Dr Leonie Constable is Head of Histopathology at Melbourne Pathology. In this session, she explains what happens from the time of the initial biopsy to the test results, the level of information you can expect, the criteria for staging a tumour and how a pathologist works with the rest of the medical team.
Why Exercise?
Judy Sammut
You may have asked yourself “should I exercise after cancer surgery?” or, “what type of exercise should I do?” If so, then this podcast may be for you. Judy Sammut is our Feel Good Gentle Exercise program leader who has also conducted the YWCA ENCORE program for 17 years and is a qualified fitness instructor. In this session she talks about the importance of regular exercise and the benefits of various exercise modalities appropriate for you.
Jane Fletcher
A level of distress or anxiety after a cancer diagnosis is not unexpected, but if not managed may lead to an anxiety disorder. In this presentation, Jane Fletcher, Health Psychologist and Director of the Melbourne Psycho-Oncology Service at Cabrini Health, discusses a range of anxiety disorders and the impact they can have on the individual and family. She also talks about some simple strategies to keep anxiety under control.
Now What? Finding Your New Normal
Dr Carrie Lethborg
What happens after the active treatment for cancer has ended? In this session Dr Carrie Lethborg, Clinical Leader, Cancer Social Work, and Co-ordinator of Psychosocial Cancer Care at St Vincent’s Hospital, talks about the many issues common to women who have completed treatment. She also discusses strategies to assist recovery, goal setting and learning to live with uncertainty.
Out of Sight – NOT Out of Mind!
Ingrid Mitton
Continence issues (bladder and /or bowel control) commonly affect women in mid-life, including those who are perimenopausal or have had gynaecological surgery. Ingrid Mitton, Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist, discusses the practical management of continence in this session.
Please note that there were problems with the recording of this session. We apologise for the low sound quality, but hope it will still be of interest.
Older, Fitter, Stronger
Libby Oldfield
Libby Oldfield, Director of Fitwise Physiotherapy, will help us understand why it’s important to maintain good health, bone density and fitness as we age. Research shows gentle weight bearing exercises can improve wellbeing and reduce falls, risk of fractures and osteoporosis, and help us lead an active and healthy life.
Living With Uncertainty – for women living with advanced cancer
Tara McKinty
One of the challenges for many women living with advanced cancer is to maintain hope in the face of an uncertain future. The uncertainty of one's health; the ups and downs of treatment and side effects; the ability to plan ahead or not; the relentless round of tests and scans; relationships; finances and whatever else life throws your way. Tara McKinty is an experienced counsellor who has worked for many years with people dealing with life challenging illness and loss. In this session Tara discusses practical strategies to help us live well, nurture ourselves and regain our balance.
Body Image, Self-Esteem and Sexuality After Cancer
Sandra Wilson
Many people experience changes to intimate and sexual aspects of their lives after a cancer diagnosis and treatment. In a fun, frank and sensitive style, Sandra Wilson, Cancer Nurse Specialist from the Cancer Council Victoria, discusses practical strategies to assist us to communicate about sexuality, and to build sexual confidence and enhance intimate relationships after cancer.
Advanced Breast Cancer and Bones
Dr Richard De Boer
For women living with advanced breast or gynaecological cancer
Dr Richard De Boer, Consultant Medical Oncologist at the Royal Melbourne and Western Hospitals, has significant involvement in clinical trials, both at the Australian and international levels. Richard has a major clinical interest in bone health and believes that there is an important relationship between breast cancer and bones. In this session he talks about new treatments and highlights current thinking and preventative strategies.
Understanding a Naturopath's Approach
Ann-Maree Bortoli and Sofie Mikosa
“Natural” does not automatically make something safe. Naturopathy is a widely used complementary approach to dealing with fatigue, depression, anxiety and stress. Ann-Maree Bortoli and Sofie Mikosa, naturopaths and herbalists from Melbourne Holistic Health, talk about these issues, as well as the symptoms of menopause, and discuss the new evidence on the role and safety of phyto-oestrogens in a very down-to-earth session.
What it Means to Have a Family History of Cancer
Mary-Anne Young
A cancer diagnosis is difficult enough, but factor in a family history of breast or ovarian cancer and the issues and complexities increase significantly. In this session, Mary-Anne Young, Genetic Counsellor from the Familial Cancer Centre at Peter Mac, explains the implications of a family history of cancer and talks about the role of the Centre, its innovative projects, and the support available to people faced with a family history of cancer.
Breast Surgery – Making Decisions
Jane O'Brien
Jane O'Brien is an experienced breast surgeon who talks about what a breast cancer diagnosis means, the steps involved in surgery, and how she works with women in making decisions about their treatment and care. As part of the session Jane also discusses the common issues and difficulties that are faced by women at this early stage of treatment.