

Understanding radiation therapy: a guide for people with cancer, their family and friends
Cancer Council Australia (AUS, 2021)
This booklet does not go into radiotherapy for specific types of cancer, but provides an excellent introduction to types of radiotherapy, treatment planning and possible side effects.
  (72-page booklet – PDF and hard copy)

An introduction to radiation therapy
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) (US, 2014)
This video from the United States gives a clear explanation of radiotherapy processes, which are similar to what a woman will experience in Australia. Acknowledges anxiety and fear of the unknown, and how they can be managed. YouTube sometimes suggests other videos on similar topic. Please be aware that those other videos have not been reviewed for the Navigator and may not be reputable.
 (YouTube video, 17m 34s)

Cancer Survivor Guide (AUS, 2018)
Episode 4 of this podcast explains how radiation therapy works, and the roles of the Radiation Oncologist and Radiation Therapist.

Radiation therapy for gynaecological cancers
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) (US, 2016)
This booklet from the United States explains the use of external and internal radiation therapy for gynaecological cancers. Includes an explanation of side effects and tips for caring for yourself during treatment. Remember that as this resource is US-based, remember that some contact details and further information links may not be available to Australians.
  (booklet, PDF)

Macmillan Cancer Support (UK, 2018)
Useful explanation of how radiotherapy works, how you can prepare and what to expect. As this is a UK resource, some of the words they use may be slightly different to the words we use in Australia. (e.g. radiographer instead of radiation therapist; clinical oncologist instead of medical/radiation oncologist). The ‘Bladder urgency card’ and support phone numbers are not available in Australia.
  (web page and video)

Pelvic radiotherapy
Macmillan Cancer Support (UK)
Links to information on pelvic radiotherapy, including side effects, follow up and recovery. As this is a UK resource, the support line is not available in Australia, and some of the words they use may be slightly different to word used in Australia.

Last Updated: 15 March, 2022 12:22 pm