What's new - July 2024 with white brandmark and orange background

What's new in July, with links to support, information and other items of interest. Free webinar: Lymphoedema & Head and Neck Cancer   Head and Neck Cancer Australia are holding a webinar about head and neck lymphoedema. Join Guest Speaker, Dr Amanda Pigott on Thursday 1 August at 12pm to learn why head and neck lymphoedema occurs,

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the words 'head and neck cancer awareness month' in white bold text on a moroon background. There is a light outline graphic of a head, neck and shoulders next to the text.

This July, we are turning the spotlight on head and neck cancers, as part of an Awareness Month coinciding with World Head and Neck Cancer Day on 27 July. These are a relatively rare group of cancers, but according to Head and Neck Cancer Australia over 5300 people are diagnosed each year. These cancers and

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