The Counterpart Year in Review 2016–17 was unveiled at the Women's Health Victoria Annual General Meeting on Monday 30 October 2017.
It celebrates our new name and the essence of our service: connecting, supporting and informing women with breast or a gynaecological cancer to live well.
Women who have had a diagnosis of breast or a gynaecological cancer contribute to Counterpart in a range of ways: women who access our services provide a community of support for each other; trained Peer Support Volunteers provide unique support and assist women to find evidence-based information relevant to their needs; Program Volunteers keep our library, exercise programs and mail-outs running. The Year in Review includes some of their stories, along with information about our achievements for the year.
In the 2016–17 year, Counterpart:
- commenced a rural and regional project
- ran six Stepping into Wellness programs
- continued Bridge of Support at multiple hospitals
- started developing a gynaecological cancer navigator
- offered a varied program of health and wellbeing sessions
- increased our contacts with people affected by breast or a gynaecological cancer by 12 per cent.
To find out more about Counterpart download the Year in Review from our publications page or contact the Resource Centre to request a printed copy.
An overview of Counterpart's activities and other programs of Women's Health Victoria can be found in the WHV Annual Report.