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Resource Centre
Level 2, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Open 10am – 5pm Mon, Wed, Thurs
(closed public holidays)

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Resource Centre
Level 2, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Open 10am – 5pm Mon, Wed, Thurs
(closed public holidays)

Medicinal cannabis

Date: Monday, 08/11/2021

Time: 12.00pm–1.00pm

Location: Online workshop

Address: N/A


We apologise if you were unsuccessful in booking this session recently. We have now extended booking numbers, you will be able to book now.


These days we are hearing more about medical cannabis and its potential use for a range of medical conditions. Dr Shu Ng is a doctor who is currently focusing her practice in this area. She treats patients who have a range of medical issues for which medicinal cannabis may have benefit. These include chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, neurodegenerative and seizure disorders, autism, and relieving side effects from cancer treatment such as neuropathic pain or nausea.

Dr Shu will outline the different types of medicinal cannabis, how to access it, who is eligible to use it, how it’s taken, and the potential benefits and side effects. She will talk about her experience using medicinal cannabis to treat patients with a wide range of medical conditions.

Dr Shu Ng has 10 years of postgraduate medical experience in various medical and surgical specialties. She previously worked at Cannadoc, one of first medicinal cannabis clinics in Melbourne, and is now an independent cannabis clinician.

Complete registration for this event via our Eventbrite listing via the link below:

Register for the Medicinal cannabis workshop

This event is for women who have been affected by breast or gynaecological cancer.

Registrations for this session close at 5pm on Sunday 7 November.


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