There is a special connection between women who have been affected by cancer.
Our peer support model involves volunteers with their own experience of cancer supporting others, as peers rather than as professionals.
They have the time to listen and are skilled and empathetic women who work closely with Counterpart staff to ensure quality support is provided to each woman.
Our Peer Support Volunteers have all completed a comprehensive training and mentor program, which gives them the skills to:
- listen to and provide space for women to talk through their feelings following a cancer diagnosis
- validate women’s experiences and share useful aspects of their own cancer experience
- assist women to locate reliable information
- direct women to other services that provide practical help, medical advice or support.
Find out more
What happens when I refer a patient?
Download our health professional brochure (PDF)
Download our brochure for women (PDF)
Are you a woman with cancer seeking peer support for yourself? Get support