在 Counterpart,您可以和一位同樣患有癌症的女性交談,這在以下幾個方面會對您有幫助:
- 讓您和一個理解患有癌症是什麼感覺的人交談
- 給予您時間談論您的感受、您的家庭、您的工作
- 為您提供一種方法,來查找可能有用的資訊、服務或其他帮助
- 給您提供建議,讓您明白該如何照顧好自己。
Counterpart 還:
- 舉辦有關如何在患癌期間和之後照顧自己的資訊說明會
- 在墨爾本各個不同的地方開展運動項目
- 還為那些身患癌症并且癌症已經擴散到身體的其他部位的女性開設了一些特別的項目。
Counterpart 的工作時間為週一、週三和週四上午10點至下午2點。
撥打 1300 781 500
和一位患有癌症的女性交談。 我們可以為您安排傳譯員。
非工作時間內致電請留言:如果您需要傳譯員,請說出您的姓名、電話號碼和您講的語言。 我們會在工作時間內回復。
電子郵件 [email protected]
請拜訪 Counterpart 資源中心
Counterpart 還有一處地方,您可以前來拜訪,與患有癌症的女性交談,或者獲取資訊。 您可以攜帶朋友或家人一同前來。
Level 5, Queen Victoria Women’s Centre,
210 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000
所有Counterpart 的服務均免費。
您是否被診斷患有乳癌或婦科癌症?(PDF) – (Have you been diagnosed with breast or a gynaecological cancer? – PDF)
English translation
Are you looking for support or information?
At Counterpart you can speak with a woman who has also had cancer. This can help give you:
- someone to talk with who understands what it is like to have cancer
- time to talk about your feelings, your family, your work
- a way to find information, services or other support that might be useful
- ideas about how to take care of yourself.
Counterpart also runs:
- information sessions about how to look after yourself during and after cancer
- exercise programs in different locations in Melbourne
- special programs for women who are living with cancer that has spread to another part of the body.
Counterpart is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am–2pm.
Call 1300 781 500
Speak with a woman who has had cancer. We can organise an interpreter for you.
If we are closed, leave a message: if you need an interpreter, say your name, phone number and the language you speak. We will call back when we are open.
Email [email protected]
Visit the Counterpart Resource Centre:
Counterpart also has a place where you can come and visit to speak with a woman who has had cancer or get information. You can bring a friend or family member with you.
Level 5, Queen Victoria Women’s Centre,
210 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000
All Counterpart services are free.