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Resource Centre
Level 2, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Open 10am – 5pm Mon, Wed, Thurs
(closed public holidays)

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Resource Centre
Level 2, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Open 10am – 5pm Mon, Wed, Thurs
(closed public holidays)

What’s new – October 2024

What’s new in October, with links to support, information and other items of interest.

Study: what is your experience of caring for someone with cancer?  

woman in headscarf sits with another woman showing support and care by having her arms around her shoulders.

If you live in Australia, are over 18, and are providing, or have provided support to someone facing cancer within the last 5 years, Cancer Carer Hub and Deakin University would love to hear from you. 

This study aims to understand the experiences and support needs of all carers and support persons, with focus on those from different groups including regional or rural communities, those from a non-English speaking background and those who identify as member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Findings will be used to develop resources and services to better support carers from all communities.  

To learn more and participate visit the study website.

13 October – Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day 

woman in headscarf sits in hospital bed looking out the window.

Also called stage IV (4) breast cancer, or advanced breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer is a form of cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other organs in the body, such as the bones, lungs, liver or, less commonly, brain. Because of its advanced stage, it is incurable, so the focus of treatment is on controlling the disease, quality of life and symptom management, often over the course of many years. 

If you or someone you know is affected by Metastatic Breast Cancer they may be interested to learn about this list of resources and information on how to access support. Visit our Information for women with advanced/metastatic cancer page

It’s National Carers Week 

National Carers Week branded image. Image of side profile older woman smiling with a younger woman. 'Millions of reasons to care' slogan in bold with the date and website address.

National Carers Week takes place on 13–19 October. It is a time to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of Australia’s unpaid carers. More than one in ten Australians are carers therefore, they make an enormous contribution to our community. Help raise awareness this National Carers Week by inviting workmates, friends and family to an event to raise awareness of the diversity of carers and caring roles in Australia. 

Discover ways you can get involved in National Carers Week. There are a number of events happening all over the state for carers visit the events section to find an event. near you. 

Head and Neck Cancer Australia’s lymphoedema webinar 

Lymphoedema in legs and ankles.

In this recording Dr Amanda Pigott, a specialist in lymphoedema therapy, provided an in-depth overview of the condition. She highlighted that lymphoedema is often underdiagnosed, underscoring the need for increased awareness and early detection. Dr Pigott advocates for a multimodal treatment approach that incorporates professional care and self-management strategies. In this video techniques such as manual lymphatic drainage and compression therapy are covered, supported by insights from former patient Janet Curran, who shares her experiences with lymphoedema after oral cancer treatment in 2023.

Watch the webinar on Head and Neck Cancer Australia’s Youtube channel. Visit the Head and Neck cancer Australia webinar library to watch recordings on a number of topics.  

Head and Neck Cancer GP and Dentist Education module  

GP examines patients neck

The Changing Face of Head and Neck Cancer educational initiative is accredited by the Royal Australian College of GPs and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, and it is endorsed by the Australian Dental Association. This online learning activity is available to all dentists and GPs in Australia. 

Through this module, GPs will learn to perform oral and neck examinations to identify signs of head and neck cancer. Dentists will be equipped to conduct oral and extraoral examinations to screen for oral and related malignancies. 

Find out more and complete this module on the Arterial Education website.

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