National Volunteer Week logo

Recognise, reconnect, reimagine – This year’s theme for National Volunteer Week.

We feel very fortunate to have held an in-person morning tea at Mr Tulk Café at the State Library on Tuesday 18 May to celebrate the work of our volunteers over the past year.



We heard some inspiring words from Dianne Hill, CEO Women’s Health Victoria,  Kellie Holland Acting Manager at Counterpart and Women’s Health Victoria Board members Liz Dax and Candy Broad.




It was so heart-warming to see everyone smiling and reconnecting again after a year of distance due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Morning tea



Reimagining requires openness and flexibility and our volunteers have demonstrated this. Our challenge is to continue reimagining how we provide support in a Covid world.

sign and flowers


Join the volunteer team.

Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organisation. We feel very fortunate to have each and every one of them as part of our team. If you would like the opportunity to join them please take a look at at criteria and consider applying. 


Last Updated: 15 June, 2021 4:37 pm