Maintaining habits of healthy living
It can be difficult to establish positive habits and motivate yourself to continue with exercise or any other healthy behaviours on a regular basis. We know there is more to it than ‘just do it’! Life is busy and there are many factors that can get in the way. In this session our presenter, Dr Amanda Hordern will discuss strategies to create habits of healthy living and to manage any barriers and setbacks people may experience along the way.
Dr. Hordern uses a range of techniques including powerful Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) strategies to inspire people to change their internal mindset and embrace happier and more meaningful lives. She has an extensive track record in scientific research, counselling and cancer support and has written extensively in the area of patient sexuality and intimacy after cancer.
Amanda is the Managing Director at Bayside Healthy Living.
Register for the Maintaining habits of healthy living
This event is for women who have been affected by breast or gynaecological cancer.
Registrations for this event close 5pm Sunday 27 March.