What's new: October 2022

New website for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer

Our Mob and Cancer is Australia’s first comprehensive cancer website developed by and for Indigenous Australians. Launched last week, it aims to improve health outcomes and care across the country.

The website includes information about cancer and where to get help and support. It also covers culturally sensitive topics such as sorry business.

A dedicated section provides guidance to healthcare professionals about culturally appropriate cancer care for First Nations people and the particular importance of this when supporting Indigenous cancer patients.

Visit ourmobandcancer.gov.au

Free information and support resources for women with metastatic breast cancer

Flinders University is offering free resources to women living with advanced/metastatic breast cancer (interactive internet-based program or BCNA online resources). These resources are offered as part of the Finding My Way – Advanced research study, with support from Cancer Australia and Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA).

If you have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, you can sign up to the study online.

Once signed up, you access the information and consent form online and complete a questionnaire. Then you will be randomised to receive either the Finding My Way – Advanced program or BCNA's 'My Journey' resource. You can use the resource you are assigned as much or as little as you find helpful. You will then be emailed links to complete follow-up questionaries at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months later.

Sign up to the study at www.findingmywayadvanced.org.au.

For more information, please contact Finding My Way – Advanced Coordinator Dr Emma Kemp by email at [email protected] or by calling 08 7421 9954.

Are you caring for someone with advanced cancer?

Caring for a person with cancer can have a substantial impact on an individual’s wellbeing. Especially when the person you are supporting is living with an advanced cancer diagnosis.

The iACT study is looking for participants. This study is exploring how carers can be best supported to maintain their own wellbeing, coupled with timely information to assist them in their caring role.

If you participate, you will be given self-help resources, support and information. You will asked to complete a survey when you begin, and then a follow-up survey 3 months later. You can choose between completing the survey online, in hard copy (with reply-paid return), or over the phone with a research assistant at a time that is convenient to you.

After finishing each survey (2 in total), you will receive a $30 gift card as reimbursement afterwards for any costs associated with participation.

Visit iactforcarers.com for more information or to sign up. 

Help make volunteering more inclusive by joining an advisory group

Volunteering Victoria are setting up Advisory Groups to help them make volunteering and their resources inclusive for:

  • people with disability
  • newly arrived migrants
  • First Nations Peoples of Victoria. 

If you want to be a voice for your community, then they want to hear from you!

Register your interest in joining one of these Advisory Groups via the Volunteering Victoria website. If you are interested, you will need to Complete an Expression of Interest form by 10am, Monday 7 November.

Last Updated: 18 October, 2022 4:22 pm